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Charting: An Australian Investor's Guide

Charting: An Australian Investor's Guide

Charting - An Australian Investor's Guide is probably the most widely read introduction to charting published in Australia, and has been continuously in print since 1990. Author Regina Meani believes that the use of charts and technical analysis can help any investor understand the way that markets move and how they are likely to move in the future..
Author: Regina Meani
Subject: Options
Year of Publication: 1999
Name of Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Type: Book
Format: Paperback
Delivery Time (approx): 10 days
ISBN: 9781876627041
Other Information:  The Author Regina Meani is also an Expert Speaker and conducts short talks for The Women's Investment Club. You can check for her next talk with us under Courses.

Retail Price $27.95
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