Events FAQs

What kind of events does The Women‘s Investment Club organise?
Q:Can the club to organise a specific activity/workshop on a topic that I have an interest in?
Q:Does the club organise social events?
Q:Can I add my own events?
Q:What sort of events can I organise?
Q:Why do I need approval when I add an event?
Q:What kind of events will the club NOT approve?
Q:Why are most events free/discounted for members while non-members have to pay to attend them?
Q:What if I join an event but cant attend?

What kind of events does The Women‘s Investment Club organise?

All are events are related to the investment themes specific to property, stocks, options, precious metals, super, tax and other similar  topics. The Club organises activities, workshops, seminars, courses, book club meetings, cash flow game get togethers and even revision classes (for courses). The club also organises social events like drinks nights and sports events. Members can also put up their own events through the website. 

Can club to organise a specific activity/workshop on a topic that I have an interest in?

If you have an interest in a specific subject, contact us and tell us more. If we feel that more members are likely to be interested in the same subject, we would try to organise an event/workshop/course for you. We will try our best to organise relevant content and information and share it on the website.

Does the club organise social events?

We also have social get togethers to encourage members to interact with each other informally.  These events are great to network and make friends.

Can I add my own events?

Members can also organise events. For example If you want to have a weekly get together in your area to discuss the stock market, you can can organise the activity from the website. Members who live in the same area can join the activity from the website. We also have a provision for activities to be clubbed under group names. Simply add a Group Name in the ‘Add your Event form’ – like The Inner West Stock Market Group and organise the weekly event.

What sort of events can I organise?

Members can organise free non-fee based events that enable learning and sharing in group environments. You can organise a learning activity about stocks, options, property, precious metals, tax, super and other investment related topics. Members can also organise social get togethers. We do encourage members to have a learning themes even for social get togethers if they can.

Why do I need approval when I add an event?

Members need approval when they add an event to ensure that their events fit with the website‘s terms and conditions and  the disclaimers. This is to protect members who wish to organise events.

What kind of events does the club NOT approve?

When adding an event members must accept the terms and conditions for the website. They by doing so declare that they shall not give direct or indirect financial advice through their event. Neither should they be seen promoting any products and services through the club events. Events added by members for any of the following would NOT be approved

  • for the agenda of giving advice
  • for promoting any product or services
  • for making profit from members
  • or events that charge members a fee

Why are most events free/discounted for members while non- members have to pay to attend them?

The Club works on an annual membership model and tries to give it"s members as many benefits as possible including free events and discounts. We are able to better plan our events  by regular interactions with our members. 

We also want to encourage non-members to attend our events by paying a small fee. This way they can get an opportunity to participate in our activities and decide for themselves if they wish to become members. 

What if I join an event and can‘t attend?

If you can‘t  attend the event, please go the event details page and leave the event. If it‘s an event you have paid for when registering, you can seek a refund. Please refer to our refund policy.

Main FAQs


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